Aug 302010

I am attempting to organize my Web site menus to display certain pages and categories for better site navigation.

I want my "Privacy Policy," "Disclaimer," and "Disclosure" pages to only appear in the right footer.  I created a "custom menu" under the WordPress admin "Appearance – Menus" section in the dashboard, called "footer" and listed these pages, comma separated.  (I had trouble finding the page numbers – they are found near the end in the URL bar while editing a particular page or post – or if you click the "Get Shortlink" button under your page "title," it gives you the page number, clearly!)

My "footer" custom menu can only be displayed by my Web site by placing it in a widget, so I put it in the "right footer" widget (found under "appearance" in WP dashboard).  The pages now show up in the footer just fine.

These same pages, however, are still showing up in the top menu.

In "Appearance", under "header," I found the following to edit:


<div id="menu">

<div><a href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>"><?php _e('Subscribe', 'pressplay'); ?> &nbsp;<img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/rss.png" alt="RSS" /></a></div>

<ul id="page-list">

<?php if($pp_above_header == "above_header_pages"){

wp_list_pages('title_li=' );


elseif($pp_above_header == "above_header_categories"){


} else { } ?>

</ul><!– #page-list –>

</div><!– menu –>

I  first tried to "exclude" certain pages, but it didn't work.

Instead, I decided to "include" specific page numbers.  I inserted this:

wp_list_pages('include=2,71,83,&title_li=' );

TA-DAH!  It worked!  Yahoo!  Now, I can do the same on other menu areas on all 3 of my web sites.

Many thanks to WordPress "Codex – Design and Layout" help.  It is a gold mine of helpful info.  Hopefully, I can wade through some of it to find solutions to problems I've had that you may also be experiencing, and I can save you some time locating the answers.  

Let me know if this was helpful! : )

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