Feb 052013

8. Typography

This section is where you’ll make edits to all of the text on your web site.

Body Fonts

General settings

Default or custom font styles? “Custom styles”
Font Face: “Verdana, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif”
Font Color: “000000” (Black)
Link Color: “2157D6” (Blue)
Link Decoration: “None”
Visited Link Color: “2474BA” (Slightly lighter blue)
Visited Link Decoration: “None”
Link Hover Color: “8C0A24” (Deep red)
Link Hover Decoration: “Underlined”

Main Content

Default or custom font styles? Click to check “Override skin defaults”
Font Settings: “Font size: “16” “Pixels(px)”

Click “Save/Reset” button, then “Save page ‘Body Fonts.’

Post and Page Titles

Default or custom font styles?

Select “Override skin defaults”

Unlinked post titles

Font color: “357566” (Teal)
Font Face: “‘Times New Roman’, Times, serif”
Font Size: “38” “Pixels(px)”
Font Style: “Normal”
Font Variant: “Small Caps”
Font Weight: “Normal”

Linked post titles

I like to set these the same as “unlinked post titles” so the titles are easily recognized. The linked ones will differ in that they will be highlighted when hovered over.
Font Color: “357566” (Teal)
Font Face: “‘Times New Roman’, Times, serif”
Font Size: “38” “Pixels(px)”
Font Style: “Normal”
Font Variant: “Small Caps”
Font Weight: “Normal”

Link Hover Settings

Font Color: “8C0A24” (Deep red)
Font Face: “‘Times New Roman’, Times, serif”
Font Size: “38” “Pixels(px)”
Font Style: “Normal”
Font Variant: “Small Caps”
Font Weight: “Normal”

Click “Save/Reset” button, then “Save page ‘Post and Page Titles.’

Content headers

Default or custom font syles?

Select “Override skin defaults”

H1 Font Settings

This is the biggest title besides the Post/Page titles.
Font Color: “357566” (Teal)”
Font Face: “Georgia, serif”
Font Size: “35” “Pixels(px)”
Font Style: “Normal”
Font Variant: “Small Caps”
Font Weight: “Normal”

H2 Font Settings

Same as above except Font Size: “32” “Pixels (px)”

H3 Font Settings:

“28” “Pixels(px)”

H4 Font Settings:

“24” “Pixels(px)”

H5 Font Settings:

“21” “Pixels(px)”

H6 Font Settings:

“18” “Pixels(px)”

Click “Save/Reset” button, then “Save page ‘Content headers.’

Custom Layout

Default or custom font syles?

Select “Override skin defaults”

H1 Font Settings

This is the biggest title besides the Post/Page titles.
Font Color: “357566” (Teal)”
Font Face: “Georgia, serif”
Font Size: “40” “Pixels(px)”
Font Style: “Normal”
Font Variant: “Small Caps”
Font Weight: “Normal”

Click “Save/Reset” button, then “Save page ‘Custom Layout.’


Default or custom font syles?

Select “Override skin defaults”

Comment form title

Font Color: “357566” (Teal)”
Font Face: “Georgia, serif”
Font Size: “24” “Pixels(px)”
Font Style: “Normal”
Font Variant: “Small Caps”
Font Weight: “Normal”

Comment Body

Font Color: “5C5C5C” (Dark Gray)”
Font Face: “Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif”
Font Size: “14” “Pixels(px)”
Font Style: “Normal”
Font Variant: “Normal”
Font Weight: “Normal”

Click “Save/Reset” button, then “Save page ‘Comments.’


Default or custom font styles? Select “Override skin defaults”
Text: Font Color: “357566” (Teal) and Font Size: “14” “pixels”
Links: Font Color: “948194” (Light gray-purple)
Link Hovering: Font Color: “8FA7C7” (Light Blue)

Drop Caps

No changes at this time.


Go To Step 9: “Side Bars” →


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